Danger of Driving a Car While Using Drugs:
Drugs can be as unsafe as alcohol when mixed with driving. The drugs that are illegal are particularly risky and might possibly hurt your ability to drive safely. Cold remedies, allergy medicines, tranquilizers and pain relievers might cause sleepiness. Some research has shown that marijuana is the most common illegal drug that has been detected in fatally injured drivers. Marijuana affects the parts of your brain that control your body’s movements, memory, balance, judgment as well as sensations. Other drugs that can impair your driving are cocaine, benzodiazepines, amphetamines and opiates. Combinations of drugs with alcohol can have unpredicted effects.
When doctor writes out a prescription, ask the doctor whether it will make you drowsy. If so, select someone else who is not taking drug. Try to avoid getting behind the wheel of a car if you’re driving may be impaired by drugs.
Teens are more vulnerable to the effects of alcohol and drugs. Impaired driving can slow your reflexes, distort your vision and judgment and also increase your reaction time. Talk to your teen about the danger of driving a car while using drugs.
If you think that you have been in an accident, hire a sound drunk driver accident attorney after the car accident while proof can still be preserved.
Talk about your claims and issues with Houston Car Accident Lawyer.
Choosing the right Colorado Springs DUI Attorney is one of the most important decisions facing you when you have been accused of a serious offense with serious penalties.